

日本超级摩托车锦标赛车手Makoto Tamada Sugo有一个完美的周末。他在预选赛中最快,赢得了Superpole和完成周末两场比赛的两场胜利。整个讲台上的第二场比赛是由日本所有冠军车手,虽然第二位男子Hitoyasu lzutus骑几个力今年的比赛。玉城丹尼Serizawa位居第三,这使得两个川崎在领奖台上。只有其他四缸讲台的赛季到目前为止是格雷戈里奥Lavilla第三位完成在瓦伦西亚,圆一个西班牙——川崎也。三个常客日本车手之后,本博斯特罗姆在第四,尼尔·霍奇森在第五和特洛伊尸体保留冠军在第六位。

领奖台上不仅属于日本两场,但它也是由邓禄普轮胎,与前六骑手邓洛普橡胶上的所有比赛。本博斯特罗姆把第四名结束,显著改善第九场,后轮圈大小的变化,“我们安装一个6.00英寸的rim两个种族,而不是6.25中使用我们的第一场比赛,”解释了l和m杜卡迪车手来自美国,“它改变了一切,比赛两个完全不同的体验。我们还改变了前叉。”Bostrom had been defending his position from Troy Corser in the first part of the race but had a surprise in store when he looked back in the later stages of the race. "I'd been riding to keep Troy behind me, I was letting the back end hang out to make it hard for him to pass me, and then when I looked for him late on I saw Hodgson instead!"

英国超级摩托车冠军尼尔·霍奇森今天在日本很满意他的表现,“今天我玩得很开心,现在我觉得我是对的,我去年骑是一样好,我非常有信心在剩下的一年”。It wasn't such a good day for fellow Ducati rider Troy Bayliss, who had been leading the championship before today's racing. He finished race two way back in 15th scoring one championship point. He wouldn't have even made that single point if it hadn't been for GSE Ducati rider James Toseland's misfortune, his clutch failed on the last lap, allowing Bayliss, who he had passed on the previous lap, up a spot. Toseland was obviously gutted to have lost the point like that, if he had stayed ahead of Bayliss it would have made two factory scalps in one day, as he had toasted Colin Edwards in race one. As for the Castrol Honda camp, it was a weekend they'd rather forget.

当被问及为什么日本那么在Sugo,家里,Tamada圣回答说:“我不认为这是电路知识,或任何特定的轨道,我认为这是一个反映了非常高的标准的骑日本所有超级摩托车系列。我完全相信,我能在多宁顿执行一样。”Given that Tamada's performance must have done his chances of riding in the World Superbikes a positive boost, that?s a statement we may yet get to see tested in the heat of battle on the rest of the world?s Superbike circuits.


位置骑手国家制造商总Time1 Tamada日本本田37:43.0332 lzutus日本乌鸦37:46.1553 Serizawa日本乌鸦37:47.3364博斯特罗姆美国杜卡迪37:49.0215霍奇森GBR杜卡迪37:52.0556尸体来自Aprilia 37:54.8217亮日本铃木铃木38:00.5378辣椒ITA 38:00.8439 Ito日本本田38:02.12110 Kagayama日本铃木38:02.267


Pos。骑手品牌里尸体Aprilia 1222贝利斯杜卡迪1003爱德华兹本田804博斯特罗姆杜卡迪745年辣椒铃木616年Lavilla乌鸦557 Tamada本田508霍奇森杜卡迪499 Yanagawa 4710 lzutus乌鸦43