Girls Who Shred!

Brent Jaswinski
byBrent Jaswinski

The new Associate Editor's perspective on how women are changing the face of motorcycling

Motorcycling has always been more of a male dominated sport, and I think that’s the result of the obviously inherent dangers that come with the territory of swinging a leg over a bike. If you actually think about it, the idea of riding a motorcycle is pretty crazy. When you’re going down the road, assuming your tires are properly inflated, there’s only about a square inch of rubber on each tire that’s touching the ground at any given moment. Yet somehow, we are able to control the bike with great precision and steer it in any direction we choose. And then there’s the obvious risk of being completely out in the open with no sort of a cage around you, which is the main factor why people are hesitant to ride. Despite this being a fact of life, more and more girls are jumping on bikes and doing incredibly impressive things.

Take for example Sarah Lezito, a 24-year-old stunt rider from France who started stunting at 13 and absolutely shreds, asclearly在她的视频演示。现在我只是编造numbers here, but I’m confident in saying that 99% of riders, male or female, can only dream of doing what Sarah can do on a bike. The wheelies, drifts, stoppies, burnouts, and pirouettes – her bag of tricks is almost endless. To top it all off, she’s doing it with incredible grace on a BMW S1000R – a beast of a motorcycle that’s difficult to tame even under regular riding conditions. I can only imagine how many girls you’ve inspired. My hat is off to you, Sarah.

girls who shred

Sarah is just one example of a girl who’s changing the face of motorcycling for women. Another perfect example is the Babes Ride Out movement. I would call it an event, because that’s how it all started, but it’s so much more than that now. What started as a small girls-only campout with no expectations amongst a couple of girlfriends has now turned into a nationwide female biker movement. Its first year saw 50 girls ride out, the second year – 500, third – 1,500! The campout has been held each year in Joshua Tree and girls have ridden in from all over the country and have even traveled in from as far as Canada and the UK to attend. With Babes Ride Out’s wild success, they have added girls-only camp-outs in New York’s Catskills and the UK as well. They even created a Babes in the Dirt event for off-road enthusiasts. The movement is about to kick off its 5th year this October and you can surely expect more girls than ever.

Now, let me man-splain why all this matters. As I mentioned before, motorcycling has been and is largely still a male dominated activity, but thanks to unique events and the latest generation of female riders, the overall demographics of riding really are changing. These events are giving more and more girls confidence to learn to ride and go out and have fun, because that’s why we all do it in the first place – because it’s fun. I’m thrilled to see more and more of our sisters getting out there on two wheels because it grows the motorcycle community and fortifies the industry as a whole.

To all the ladies out there on two wheels, you’re all bad ass. Keep it up and keep the greasy side down! Cheers.

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  • Trey Mck Trey Mck on Sep 18, 2017

    Unless Mr. Jaswinski in in the habit of calling males over the age of , oh, 18, "boys", he needs to edit his piece. Women ride. A lot. For years. All over this country and the world. Please spend a little time on researching next time. Try looking here:
    or here:
    or the recent stories about the Sirens NYC:

  • John A. Stockman John A. Stockman on Sep 20, 2017

    也许是“少数民族”,但我知道很多女人ride and race. I grew up in a family of motorcyclists (not bikers as my grandfather would tell people) where female aunts, great-aunts, cousins and grandmas rode their own motorcycles. My aunt rode and raced an HD Sprint 250, the Aermacchi one. Elena Myers and numerous other women race with the guys. Women right now are riding around the world on their adventure tours, racing in club events. Just because the numbers are less compared to men, I think they have a positive impact on motorcycling as a whole. Especially more than some of the "bad-a$$" types thinking they are because they ride a certain style or brand. I know more than one woman that started out with a Sportster because they didn't know other options for smaller-stature females were available. It shows the marketing power HD has, and these females had no previous experience with motorcycles nor any family history; but they did know about Harley. They eventually got a different bike because they wanted more, more miles, more lean angle, more suspension travel and a better ergonomic experience. I showed these women there are other options if you have a shorter inseam, as I deal with it also. One got a new Triumph and loves it. Within a few days she got a set of soft luggage/tank bag, a small deflector screen and started planning a longer tour. She said she would've never considered doing those kind of miles on her Sportster. When I was club racing on my Yamaha SR500, I routinely got beat by a few women on other singles. I didn't feel emasculated, they were good racers and we all had a great time, sharing parts, tools and food in the pits. The more women participate, the better it is for all motorcyclists, lending another level of acceptability from those that will never ride.
