Weekend Awesome - Motorcycle Soccer

Dennis Chung
byDennis Chung
weekend awesome motorcycle soccer

It’sWorld Cuptime and if you’re a fan of soccer (or “football” for the truly dedicated), your attention is no doubt focused on Brazil right now. Or at least it was, if your favorite country has already been eliminated (sorry, Spain). For the footy fans among our readers, this edition of the Weekend Awesome combines two of your loves: soccer and motorcycles.

Filmed in 1959, this archived newsreel footage features Motor Ball, a five-on-five version of soccer played on bikes in England.

After watching this video a couple of times, we’re not sure which was more entertaining, watching these guys scoot around on 250 and 350cc motorcycles kicking around a giant ball, or the classic newsreel voice work offering “conderably more dash than, say, tiddlywinks!”

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  • Frankfan42 Frankfan42 on Jun 23, 2014

    Rollerball anyone?

  • Bigjames Bigjames on Jun 28, 2014

    Note to self, find a place for the clubs rally next year that has a soccer/football/futball field...and a really big tough ball...
