
马里兰州的贝塞斯达,~肖恩博士德怀尔跑bsa,大Wood-Rotax单打和雅马哈TZ350s。他目前街道骑一个R90S Beemer,文森特黑骑士。



在道路旁边的人数更少的旅行,我们把自行车坡道和德怀尔混合比率二冲程的特殊16:1气油药剂。我推了他,声音完全无关的一个老RD 350年他从阴暗的投票率,消失了。

经过一段时间花了闪电战上下交通路上像个男人拥有,一向沉默寡言的医生停所有的微笑和笑容。传动装置有了新的“友好”帮助吗?确实!“Didja看到前轮出现吗?前面是摇晃&我想我需要一个转向阻尼器!”We managed a few snaps in our time in public, but were almost shut down by a stone-faced US Park Policeman. "Visitors want peace, not smoke and excitement." Sure, but the tree pruners with their chain saws were just as loud and.... (Shut up, Walsh!) By a hair's breadth we avoided an impounded bike - or worse.


从我们的”行动,“我们给still-toasty缸赛车浏览一遍。小,节省的巨大引擎Spondon框架。很少有点头时尚或合法性(懦夫。角、支撑架、简单的照明),雅马哈的赛马场的血统是显而易见的任何迷的“70年代”船桨。整个项目开始,德怀尔有关,当朋友和当地向导TZ加里·伯恩斯坦提到比赛的自行车将种子在佛罗里达。老板决定他热衷的是水上摩托车而非重建一个异国情调的旧轮子。”His loss. "I'd raced TZ350s for a number of years," Dwyer goes on, "so I sorta' had the 'TZ Disease.' " That forgotten Florida project bike was comprised of a disassembled motor, a great big bucket o' bolts and one complete Spondon race frame. It was pronounced "good" by another Dwyer mate in Georgia, but cobbling it all together would entail more than a quick stitch job. Clamp! Sutures! Circlip pliers!


像大多数事情值得做,重建需要时间和毅力。“我是鬼混,”德怀尔回忆道,“一吨之间,比赛很多自行车和时间卡丁车——但我的。”Like any good doctor, he consulted specialists here and abroad, ending up with a complete 1990 Suzuki GSXR750 front end and narrow-rimmed 1980s rear wheel, both from salvage yards. For the front, I machined up the various carriers for the bearings 'n stuff, to fit that. Then, I got an early Gixxer rear wheel with the correct 4 1/2" rim." (The first one was too wide at 5 1/2 inches). "King Kenny" also flat-tracked a TZ700 very similar to this 750, afterwards remarking, "They can't pay me enough to ride that thing!" "I machined the sprocket carrier, narrowed it down, sunk the bearing in and moved the sprocket in to fit inside the Spondon swingarm." After much machine work, he'd grafted the Gixxer 750 wheel, rotor and caliper onto the swingarm. "I narrowed the rear caliper, fabricated a caliper hanger and squeezed the package into the swing arm with only shim room to spare."

Yamaha产生大约300大的700 & 750 cc tz 6年的生产生活,包括六个变体。有些superbike-class机器适合“马力”追踪像代托纳,别人更严格的欧洲roadrace电路,甚至几个配置为dirt-trackers。最著名的TZ飞行员是肯尼·罗伯茨。他赢得了大bike-dominated 19 __代托纳200米莱尔在TZ350 !“国王肯尼”也flat-tracked TZ700非常类似于这750,后来评论,“他们不能付给我足够的骑的东西!”The remark, along with the bike's smoky fumes, helped sound the death knell to the screaming racer and in fact all two-strokes in the 'States.

他希望得到一个原始TZ750前端和后轮,但“他们非常昂贵,不值得你知道,当我可以找到一个更好的设置特别的。”(Dwyer's a bit ho-hum about this work, but as is typical with specials, the entire process was maddeningly slow with countless cut fingers and binned "attempts.") The Suzuki's stanchions are several mil larger than the works items, and their four-piston brakes are a big improvement on the stock racer's two-pot items. Another key asset was the tubular Spondon frame, which mated with unexpected ease to the more robust Suzuki pieces. Dwyer explains that the "stiffer and stouter" British-made race frames largely did away with the flex problems of the factory iterations. (In the early 1970s, racers Kel Carruthers and Kenny Roberts commented rudely on the big TeeZee's handling).